Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
I've yet to see any credible argument from anyone, elected or not, suggesting that any US interest, let alone any vital US interest, is at stake in Libya.
Dayuhan, this looks rather like a I do not want to get out of my confort zone rather than a good argument to not go there.
And this illustrates my point: Bush administration said we will build a new Middle East and failed cause you cannot impose that from outside. Now people of Middle East are fighting to change it and the US (and others) are saying: do it yourself, not interrested anymore. And when an elected administration is saying let's go for it during an electoral period, the first and louder voice is: NO. Why? BECAUSE!
This is exactly what JMA is criticising: a complete lack of consistency in US foreign policy. US cannot start a fire and then say, I have changed my mind and will not play the firemen anymore now.