The International Crisis Group (ICG) have published a report on Zimbabwe, entitled 'Zimbabwe: The Road to Reform or Another Dead End?':

The summary ends with:
The GPA still offers a coherent framework for putting in place conditions for credible elections. However, progress remains stymied because ZANU-PF has not demonstrated a credible commitment to democratic reforms, and the MDC-T is not strong enough to force them through. The GPA guarantors and South Africa have now indicated they are prepared to take a much more hands-on approach, although it is unclear how this will manifest itself. It is important that they continually engage Zimbabwe’s political leaders to take their own commitments seriously and set clear benchmarks and timelines for achieving the concrete steps set out in the SADC communiqué. Accelerating the implementation of key reforms, many of which have already been approved, is all the more necessary because a credible election process cannot take place until the appropriate conditions are in place.
Earlier the summary notes:
ZANU-PF and Mugabe have countered that they will not tolerate external interference, even from neighbours.