Explain exactly how America benefits by threatening Russia over Syria and threatening to go to war with Syria as well? Either you think the threats will work or you think the US has the capability to make good on those threats if the bluffs are called. Either way there doesn't seem to be much in it for this American and yes, I think I do speak for the majority of my country on this subject.

One thing I've learned over the years is there is no satisfying America's foreign critics. Either we are ditherers who are afraid to use our muscle or we're bully's indiscriminately whacking whatever is in view. While we should always listen and consider good counsel we need to act in a way that is consistent with our interests and not what others would like our interests to be.

The US isn't the country you'd like it to be and I doubt it will ever meet your standards, no matter how much you may wish otherwise. Get used to disappointment.