Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
May I also remind you that Chamberlain, the British PM, with all his goodness, failed politically to bring Hitler to the negotiating table and Winston Churchill, the horrible man, made mincemeat of Hitler through wily political alliances and sheer brute force?
Hitler wasn't the supporting base, but the head.

Britain' time to convince a German supportive base to play nicely was in 1919-1932 when it was able to negotiate and deliver foreign political successes to Social democrats and thus keep the far right nutcases from power.

Later on, 1933-1945, the supportive base was too much in the grip of force.
It might still have helped not to ask for unconditional surrender in 1943, for this could have meant everything including national slavery in Siberia.

The attack on Abbotabad has removed OBL which no political parley would achieve.
Really? I think it would have been interesting to offer the continued existence of Islamabad for UBL's head.

A huge arms deal package at discount prices (worth 300 bn+, price 100 bn+) for India would also have been a good argument.
Instead, the U.S. government bribed directly and was content with almost no returns.