Posted by taabistan
the troubling issue of how aware were the ISI for the 9/11 attacks
First, I don't find it so improbable that UBL "could" have been living under ISI's nose without being detected. If you weren't looking in your neighborhood, then you're not going to find him there unless he steps in front of your car when you're driving home. You may not notice then if you were adjusting our radio station to the best jihad propaganda station. I do think it is possible they didn't know, but...

I tend to believe it is more probable that ISI did know he was there. Musharif was recently reinforced that perception when he was caught in a flat out lie when he said they searched that compound in 2004, when imagery clearly points out the compound didn't exist then. The ISI are such great liers, I think they're to the point they believe they can't tell truth from fiction, and either can several gullable U.S. leaders (civilian and military); especially those who work in Pakistan and "drink tea" with the enemy. It is impossible to see what you refuse to believe.

I found taabistan's suggestion of great interest, and frankly never considered it before, but if he is correct (see quote above) and we actually have the moral courage to admit it; then what? If the lines were ever traced back to ISI (not rogue ISI, that ship no longer sails) colluding with AQ on the 9/11 attacks that would present an interesting problem set. How do you respond to attack that happened around 10 years ago after you already got in bed and made love repeatedly to the person who attacked you?