Quote Originally Posted by JamesB View Post

Interesting -- but I'm still not sure how his death is definite proof of Pakistani complicity? Maybe I've not read you correctly.

Do you mean to say Bin Laden was captured and in Abbottabad under house arrest, courtesy of the ISI? Thanks.
Precisely, although I wouldn't term it as "house arrest" as cars would be coming in and out of the compound. It served more as an ISI safe house. Both Geo TV and DAWN news (media outlets of Pakistan) have reported that over the last five years, Bin Laden received treatment for kidney dialysis in Rawalpindi and Karachi. In order for this to happen, the Pakistani military must have provided protection.

We are aware from intelligence that ISI members attend Taliban shura councils. Several Pakistani generals have admitted on CNN International (in interviews with Michael Ware) and the BBC that they are in direct communication with the Taliban leadership, promising they can bring them to the table on the condition that the US makes concessions on India.

Hamid Gul was recently on the Alex Jones radio show, and made a complete mockery of US counter-terrorism efforts, claiming the whole raid was a hoax. He showed this disrespect before, when he claimed the 9/11 attacks were an inside job on Fareed Zakariya's GPS. This behavior is unbecoming of an ex-Intelligence Chief and is aimed in stoking anti-US resentment back home.

Finally, the recent photos released by Reuters was analyzed by local media here and two of the men have been identified as Pakistani military officers. Were they retired? Were they serving as body guards and/or advisors for OBL? These questions should not only be asked, but done so in public.

If my assertions are correct, we will see a spate of revenge attacks conducted against US army personnel in Afghanistan, under the direct orders of Gul. The message will be simple: Keep us in the loop, keep the funds flowing and don't breach Pakistani borders.