Quote Originally Posted by omarali50 View Post
The bull#### is indeed coming home to roost. But I will stick my neck out and say that I expect GHQ to slowly, painfully, incompetently and disgracefully PULL AWAY from jihadism and all this nonsense. They are men of this world and they are property owners and they know those corner plots in defence housing societies will be worth bat#### if they continue on their current course. It wont be pretty, but they will slowly back away, getting one hundred slaps and eating one hundred onions, but still, they will back away...Now, when I say slowly, I mean SLOWLY. It may well be that they push out the Americans and get their chance at using the "good taliban" in Afghanistan, but that won't be the end of the story. Much worse will follow. In the long run, they will fight their own creations. They want to live in this modern world and when push comes to shove, they will make that choice...that is my prediction of the day.
* One hundred slaps and onions: A man was about to be punished for some minor crime. He was given a choice, eat 100 onions or get slapped 100 times. He thought the onions sound easier, so he asked for that. After 5 onions he was going nuts with watery eyes and nausea, so he changed his mind and wanted 100 slaps instead, but after 5 slaps it was back to onions. He ended up getting both 100 onions and 100 slaps. ISI is eating onions at the hands of the jihadis and getting slaps from uncle sam (and will get slaps from Uncle Ching one day..these things are fated) and cannot make up its mind which one is worse. It will end up getting both in full measure.

I think this is accurate. Pakistan, like many places, was created with borders that don't match the demographic map. Job one for the central government is to keep the state from breaking up. To do this means doing things they think are imperative, that we think ate abhorrent. Throw in vastly different worldviews/first principles (remember Huntington?) and this is what you get.