
Not that this is a bad thing, but most of these problems are old news and I'm glad the new CSA is going to continue working on them. I was somewhat surprised about the airing of dirty laundry in bullet one, but do we need a SMA if he isn't meeting regulary with th CSA and Secretary of the Army as a holiistic leadership team. Sounds like an easy fix, and suspect it will be.

Maybe it is due to my SF up bringing, I think drill and ceremony has little to do with the profesion of arms. We have song for that in SF called the "garra trooper". Focusing on mindless uniformity, D&C, inspections (after basic training) will distract from combat training IMO. If it can be done in moderation (to ensure we maintain our important traditions) I'm all for it, but I have seen it to many times when garra troopers made their careers by focusing on everything but war fighting.

I wish the new CSA the best, the Army will need a strong leadership team to guiide it through the turbulent times ahead.