Thanks to all the Small Wars Journal Readers that participating in the AQ Strategy 2011-2012 and Post Bin Laden Polls over the past two weeks. I'm just now posting the first results of these polls.

For the results from each of the questions, I'll post an update on this thread.

Here's the first result from the Post-UBL poll--------

Of 147 participants in the Post-UBL poll, 121 respondents answered the following question:

“Now that Bin Laden is dead, how long until U.S. counterterrorism forces eliminate Ayman al-Zawahiri?”

The majority of respondents selected “Within the next 2 years.” This result surprised me as I thought most would estimate an earlier demise of Zawahiri. Additionally, respondents across all major professional categories selected their choices in remarkably similar distributions across the five answer choices.

For the charts see
"Voters say Zawahiri 1 to 2 years from capture: Poll Results #1"