My own view is that when the infidels leave (and they may not be leaving, this is hypothetical) there will be no smooth "handover to India" but things will actually NOT go the way ISI imagines they will go either.
1. China will pay for services rendered and not a penny more. GHQ's days of living high will not last. They will soon be regretting the "good old days" when Admiral Mullen used to pop over bearing gifts. Saudi and Bahraini mercenary deployments will not compensate either. It may be declining, but there is still no money like American money.
2. Afghanistan will become an endless civil war.
3. The Jihadis will soon tire of life in Afghanistan and the cities in Pakistan will beacon. Initially they will be offered up some hapless liberals who have failed to escape, but it wont be long before they will want the best spots in the defence housing societies. By then, the smart generals will have left for Dubai and Montana, but the dumb ones will find themselves converting to pure Islam under the barrel of a gun. It will not be pretty. India may or may not get sucked in by then but they would be foolish to step in prematurely. What for? to clean up America's mess? how much will they be paid for doing that?
There is no happy ending if the infidels leave. But there is no smooth handover to india either because India is not ready and wont be for several years yet.
Anyway, the infidels are probably not leaving anytime soon. I was just presenting what the establishment may be saying to their old friends who bomb them and hurt their feelings. In actual fact, the infidels wont leave soon, GHQ will writhe and wriggle and then, with maximum bad grace, will cough up some jihadis...just enough to keep things going. Its not going to last forever, but with luck, it will last a few more years. By then, who knows.