I am sorry for the delay here.

Now, when I stop laughing on this outrages comment, I will be “rude” and ask you to read something that’s is NOT written by official Russian military or police-or they cronies-before claiming things like this and responding to my post with facts!

Example -that document that I posted here…

Also (my thanks to slapout9 for posting this document) you can read that where on page 15 is stated:

“The Moscow public health department announced that many of the hostages suffocated as a direct result of the fentanyl. Of the 128 hostages reported killed, only ONE was shot by the terrorists—the others died due to the effects of the aerosol.”
But Robal2pl say on this:
“So form the tactical point of viev, it was one of the best HR operations.”


“Doctors at the hospitals were never informed of the chemical agent used and could not properly diagnose any of the victims.”
So, when Robal2pl and slapout9 claim that is medical personnel fault that hostages died, one need to say that is NOT true! Especially when one know that paramedics was stopped by police on the way to the theater for 10-15min (stated in document I posted).

Idea to blame help, which was not informed and also delayed, instead of those who actually pump aerosol agent is at least irresponsible.

My point of how BAD and irresponsible Russian forces are and how low concern do they have for they own civilians is again confirmed on page 16 of that report where is said:

“Irregardless of the large numbers of hostages involved in this situation, FSB Al’fa’s intent of using a nonlethal agent was LESS focused on their rescue and more so on killing the Chechen terrorists.

This vendetta stemmed from past encounters when Chechen fighters defeated the elite unit in hostage-taking scenarios…”
Simply put, it was Russian Al’fa vendetta against Chechen fighters and CIVILIANS paid price.

“Urine and blood samples from several of the German hostages examined by a German toxicology professor showed an EXTREMELY high concentration of anesthetics.

Loss of consciousness from fentanyl occurs at the lowest effective dose—for 50 percent of a given population, around .011 milligram (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight.

The lethal dose of fentanyl for 50 percent of a given population occurs at 3.1 mg per kg of body weight.

Although there are no facts available showing how much fentanyl was used
in the raid, it is safe to assume that a high concentration was required to effectively render everyone unconscious.

Additionally, the FSB Al’fa had no prior training in administering calmative agents in this type of environment, implying that hostage safety was NOT a high priority.

…effects of using this unconventional method (fentanyl) killed 50 times more of FSB Al’fa’s own people than did the hostage takers.”

IF Russians didn’t use leather dose of that agent MANY civilians would live.

IF Russians wanted to secure hostages safety they will drag negotiations and be concentrated on RELEASE of hostages instead of killing Chechens.

Yes… “Great” tactical decision and “the best” HR operations.

Almost “good” like using tanks and artillery in hostage rescue operation in Pervomaiskaya, when even hostages start running away with they Chechen captures AWAY from Russian “liberators” and they artillery fire. Same with Budyonnovsk.

IF you read document I posted here you will find way different (official) picture that you seam to have. This report coming from Russian sources and people PERSONALLY involved in crisis and they you will see how much you are wrong…

They you can read that NO hostages were shoot and NO one tried to escape prior to attack (like you just say)!

Russian authorities LIED in Theater siege. They lied in Beslan to. And that was my whole point… They lied and they were to blame for ALL butchered rescue. But, why to listen me!? Just read commission reports from Moscow and Beslan and listen Russian people accusing Russian government, police and army.

Also I advice you to read interviews with Chechen commanders posted here and learn more about what happened in Pervomaiskaya and Budyonnovsk.