The populaces of these countries were the true forcing function behind the end of Colonization. They will be the forcing function behind the end of Containment control measures as well.

Certainly Wilson called for the end of colonialism at Versailles, but the Allies thought him naieve and used the "self-determination" he promoted to justify their "stewardship" over the divided spoils of the Ottoman Empire. Just to help them get on their feet and all...

FDR also called for an end to Colonialism, but then died, and at the war's end the US cut ties with nationalist allies such as Ho Chi Minh and Arab leaders in North Africa; and Europe was soon back in the colony business.

But that business was getting harder, because informed and connected populaces are more effective insurgents than those that are uninformed and disconnected. Also, insurgents with a state backer conducting UW are better than insurgents without such a backer. For every insurgency against a Western Colonial regime there was an automatic UW backer in the Sino-Soviet competition for influence (likewise both sides competed across the third world in either the UW or FID role depending on if they were seeking to maintain or create influence in a particular location/populace).

Before the US jumps up and takes too much credit for what the people accomplished, it is well to remember that our own Containment measures were/are nearly as disruptive of organic systems of legitmacy and soverignty as the Colonial model that went before it. Certainly we were more willing to allow our capital to transfer to the rest of the world than our colonial predecesors were, but that may prove to have been more foolish than generous.

In terms of governance disruption we still sowed the wind, and have reaped the whirlwind.