This war has never been fought on the mind and belief level and we have ignored this realm of human conflict to our detriment. Listen to FDRs and Churchill's radio addresses. They understood collective human will begins in the mind.

I have never understood how the press can reiterate statements like "If the US would just leave the fighting would stop." or the truely decietful statement "If the US would leave there would be no civil war or conflict"

This is eqvuivalent to saying "because you stand here I must kill my neighbor and his sons." Presence does not constitute culpability.

What they are really saying is If the US leaves --for a while we would kill more until resistence was crushed and and then under our authoritarian rule we will bring the rule of Allah as we few interpret it-- The only peace they have brought is eternal and it has another name -death.

We and our media needs to continually illustrate the brutish and short face of Al Queda. They wish the destruction of all life just to call what is left theirs.