Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
The Worldview of, say, the British, French and Dutch was quite different. Quite rationally in their perception they saw the US "takeover" as a coup - and the new US role as neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism (or other names, such as Pax Americana, American Hegemony, American Exceptionalism, etc.).
Certainly it's easier to blame the Americans than to admit that the bloody wogs ran you out of town. Saving face is by no means an exclusively Asian pastime.

As far as I can tell the reasoning, using the term loosely, goes like this:

FDR was opposed to imperialism

Empires subsequently fell

Therefore FDRs opposition to imperialism caused the fall of empires.

As egregious a fallacy as one is likely to find, but people will believe what they will. If this was a psychology forum we could delve deeply into what factors enable a mind to believe such things despite inability to produce any coherent evidence of a causative link. As it is I shall remain mystified.