TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's Intelligence Ministry claimed Saturday that it has arrested at least 30 people allegedly linked to a CIA-run spy network in accusations that also could spill over into the country's deepening political power struggles.

The announcement on the alleged spy ring gave no further details and appear part of Iran's frequent claims of Western and Israel interference. But the Intelligence Ministry also is at the heart of a messy political showdown and could seek to boost its credentials as a front-line defender of the country.

Last month, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad forced out the intelligence minister as part of government infighting, but the minister was immediately reinstated by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It touched off a high-level battle that included Ahmadinejad boycotting Cabinet sessions and Khamenei's loyalists warning Ahmadinejad he was on dangerous ground by challenging the ruling system.

Hard-liners have since launched pinpoint strikes aimed at weakening Ahmadinejad and his allies before next year's parliament elections and the vote for his successor in 2013. The latest apparent blow was reported Saturday after a court ordered a four-year political ban on one of his vice presidents.