I'm reduxing the thread, Defending Hamdan, because it lays out the constitutional and diplomatic history of Astan from the US viewpoiint - which equals what the US Executive branch says it is.

from Ray
Maybe you would refresh your mind as to why Russia, India, Iran and the US supported the Northern Alliance.
My mind is refreshed.

Pick up my boring slog from here, Constitutional History of Afghanistan, and trot forward (please read all of my posts and the sources) to here, US & Afghan Positions 1996-2001 - part 1. And, then please read my posts and sources to the end.

The point is that the US recognized NO government in Astan from 1997-2001 (9/11/2001 was the tipping point, but the Northern Alliance was not recognized as the goverment by the US - it was a co-belligerent pursuant to the 2001 AUMF). If I'm wrong on material facts or law, please advise.

Russia, India and Iran pursued a separate path from the US - and, today, are entitled to do the same. That would not bother me in the least.

