Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post

Are you looking at this from a COIN-insurgent view, or from a more conventional warfare view?
Thank you! Short answer yes. I'm trying to identify the larger patterns (applying Clausewitz, Luttwalk, and others). I'm preparing a briefing on cyber and one of my thesis is that "defense in depth is dead" for cyber. I've got lots of material to prove the point for infotech related strategy, but my consistent weakness is the tactics that chickens and stars understand.

In infosec the use of enterprise switches (and the cloud) break the defense in depth precedent significantly. They are cheaper and easier to manage but do not impose separation of space and time. Kind of like a predator drone may be a forward projection of force but it is not part of a defense in depth strategy (weak example I know). Maybe better would be a Battalion of tanks without air-cover or infantry screens is a force to be reckoned with unless they are going up against A10s or Tow Companies.