In addition, according to the DOJ, Ingram had gone into multiple lines of business with an Egyptian named Diaa Badr Mohsen, who had warehouses full of weapons – including Cobra helicopters, and Stinger missiles – in Miami and New Jersey.
What a crock. That isn't what the link says. The link says that an FBI undercover agent offered Stinger missiles and Cobra helicopter parts as bait in a sting operation. There is nothing at all in the link that says the guys arrested actually had this stuff in their possession.

If you actually read the link, it looks like a couple of rather inept small time wannabes had illusions about making a score and ended up in jail. The only AQ connection is that Government agents once questioned one of the suspects about AQ connections, which is inevitable when an Egyptian or Pakistani is arrested for attempting an arms deal. None of the charges filed suggest an AQ connection and there's nothing to suggest that the questioning revealed anything.

The article says that after 2 1/2 years of investigation...

the government failed to identify a Pakistani connection or any other foreign would-be arms customers with possible terrorist links, and instead arrested two small-time Jersey City dealmakers-an Egyptian and a Pakistani
Not exactly something to get all breathlessly hyped up over. The article cited suggests no connection at all to AQ, any Mafia, or any "agent of economic sabotage".

Hard to imagine why someone would link to an article and so completely and deliberately misstate the contents. I guess they figure nobody will bother to click and check. Why anyone would bother to read material from people who play that sort of game, let alone take it seriously, is beyond me.