Quote Originally Posted by motorfirebox View Post
I'm not the one to ask for a precise definition, but I'd say blowing up a server room could count as cyberwarfare. It depends on why you did it. If you blow up the room to kill the guy in it, maybe it's not really cyberwarfare; if you did it to take down the network the room serves, maybe it is. If you blow up the room to kill the IT techs who are preventing you from infiltrating your target network... maybe that counts too. I'm not sure it's actually all that necessary to strictly define what cyberwarfare means; as the practice grows, it will be integrated more completely into other forms of warfare (and other forms of warfare will be integrated into it).
Is a commando sent to raid an airfield sent to do aerial warfare? Does it matter if a jump and/or forward air control is involved? However someone might answer those questions—and it would not surprise me if a body of literature debating such questions exists as I have seen much critical ink spilled in academia over less interesting questions—the fact would remain that without a thing called aerial warfare there would be no such thing as a raid on an airfield.