Quote Originally Posted by bumperplate View Post
It's funny...the leadership issue is what I hear Rangers say the most in defense of the course. And, I'd say that the tab checks are more a part of Bragg culture than Benning. I give Benning and many of the Infantry guys there a pat on the back: they are proud of their institution and proud of their schools, but they often will no hesitate to simply go with what works and not what looks prettiest or what's put forth by the guy with the most bling.
Hmmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but the leadership portion of the Ranger course is but part of the 21 days at Benning. Correct ? This is why I think most of the young troops at both Bragg and Benning are so worked up about those tabs you spoke of. Benning is the start and stop for more than 50% of Ranger and SOF (at least for me it was way back when). I was once of the opinion that wearing any tab or CIB was something to be proud of (not bling... We didn't have bling back in the 70s )

Quote Originally Posted by bumperplate View Post
I think you hit my point regarding weeding out those that will not become leaders. As a military we need to stop selling the GI Bill and sell the nobility of service. We need to stop pushing people through commissioning sources and OBCs and thoroughly screen them or at least make them prove themselves rather than worrying about graduating them before their allotment of TDY days has expired.
You got me on this one. Since I'm part of the GI Bill era and constantly hear about me getting a free education for my 23 years of service (as if I wouldn't have joined without some financial Bennie), I have to wonder what would entice a future leader with an education and ability to endure and lead in combat ? Hell, I can barely sell my sister on the fact that being military is noble.