Quote Originally Posted by Red Rat View Post
The British Army is currently a one trick pony. Resources are devoted almost entirely to training for Afghanistan leaving little to devote elsewhere.

Some of the TTPs from Afghanistan will be transferrable and there is still some residual knowledge from Basra (Iraq). However operations in large urban areas will prove challenging on many fronts. Use of PGMs will probably broadly follow Afghanistan TTPs, as will use of ISTAR. We have very limited main battle tank currency currently and developing expertise in use of armoured vehicles in urban environments could stretch our limited training resources.

Already (and rightly) general's efforts are looking ahead to the armed forces post-Afghanistan; structures and capabilities. Fuchs raises a good point in that the UK Army is envisaged as being so small (6 deployable brigades but not 6 at the same time) that the fact that mass has a quality all of its own and is essential for some operational environments appears to have been downplayed.
Sad too to note that with the air effort committed to Afghanistan the Brits were hard pressed to cobble together 12 aircraft for ops in Libya. Then there were of those that were grounded due to lack of spares and then a reported shortage of munitions. What a long way down for a nation which was once able to put hundreds of bombers into action on raids.