When I last looked relations between RoC and PRC had relaxed. There is considerable RoC investment in PRC and significantly a large physical presence in PRC - in the hundreds of thousands. Less certain grounds now, I am sure there are student exchanges. Maybe not direct flights. The offshore islands garrisons have shrunk and the "theatre" of conflict has gone - loudspeakers etc.

Diplomatically there remains some competition, notably over recognition by small countries; to my knowledge in the Caribbean, for example a cricket stadium for Grenada where RoC said no and PRC said yes if you recognise us.

In their own way the two China's have evolved a relationship that works, each aspires to different national goals, they make money and they don't kill each other.

Now does RoC need the reassurance - however weak - of US support in a crisis with PRC over some now unforeseen matter?