Yes, but what is missing, is the non-military lines of operation. It isn't the military's job to write doctrine for other agencies, but I think we need more than guidance from the House stating that State and the Military should try to cooperate better. We need more direction, otherwise the train will keep going down the same track. We also need to take a hard look at ourselves as a nation, and figure out what we want to represent (values wise), and then determine how we will represent them. I love the infantry, but now we need better educated troops who are self disciplined, with good character to avoid making strategic errors downrange. The only way to attract them I believe is creating a culture in the military where they fit (opportunities for intellectual creativity), or go the mercenary route and offer much more pay, but then you might curtail the character we're searching for. We'll never have a "perfect" Army, or a perfect soldier, I'm sure as hell not, so we have to design strategy that fits the means, which I think means (in the future) we need to minimize the time that we leave conventional boots on the ground.