Shouldn't be looking only at one side of the equation. Sure, countries like the Philippines will run to the US when China gets pushy on the periphery. They'll also quite happily cozy up to the Chinese if they feel like US military aid is les motivated than it was. They'll openly court Chinese investment and business links. It's simplistic to reduce this to "bad bully pushes little guys, who run to heroic big brother for protection". It's more about jostling for position, with everyone in the picture playing multiple games at the same time. We don't want to be pushed around, but we don't want to be played either, and overreacting will be as counterproductive as underreacting.

I have no problem at all with the US sailing a carrier through the China Sea, basing a couple of ships in Singapore, or holding an exercise. All part of the ritual, and generally expected. We should not delude ourselves into thinking that we're changing anything, or deterring anything, by doing that.

Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
However, the choice is being pushed around by the US or being swallowed by China since they claim parts of the neighbourhood in most countries on the periphery and 'amicably' settle the boundaries
I don't see any reason to think that China wants to "swallow" the Philippines or Vietnam, which would be an expensive process with significant risk and little gain.