Quote Originally Posted by ganulv View Post
I am a civilian with no military background so apologies if the answer to my question is too simple, but how is differing mobility during the three seasons (snow, mud, and other) dealt with vis-à-vis the organization of units? Does the organization of units optimize for one season, compromise for all three seasons, or are there changes in configuration as the seasons change?
I did my military service in southern Finland where winter snows have become thinner and thinner, only optimisation we did was to wear warmer clothes. and places we practiced warranted no skis because there was so little snow.
In northern parts of Finland you have to use skiis to move around and in north manouvre units use thisthis as motor transport to move around it has lower ground pressure than average human male. And mortars and arty need TNT for their firing positions
So cut long story short it is more about equipment than organisation.

PS.I would like to see someday IFV supported attack by ski troops, as finnish BMP-2s and CV90s have storage place for squad's skiis.