Mugabe: 'Little fellows' like Bush, Blair don't scare me
HARARE, Zimbabwe (Reuters) -- Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe vowed on Friday to survive any Western attempt to dislodge him from power.

Mugabe said Britain and the United States would never overcome the support he enjoys in his ruling ZANU-PF party, which led the former Rhodesia to black majority rule in 1980.

"Nothing frightens me, not even little fellows like Bush and Blair. I have seen it all, I don't fear any suffering or a struggle of any kind," Mugabe, 83, said to cheers from ZANU-PF supporters at a meeting in Harare.

"I make a stand and stand on principle here where I was born, here where I grew up, here where I fought and here where I shall die," Mugabe said, accusing the West of sponsoring the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) to overthrow his government.
Theater of the absurd in Zimbabwe is apparently in high gear...