Quote Originally Posted by Taiko View Post
Slight change to thesis: A study of classical strategic theory focusing on Carl Von Clausewitz's, 'On War', and Mao Zedong's interpretation of 'Sun Tzu'. The thesis sets out to test the conceptual framework of what I will call 'the way of war' with specific reference to the contemporary applications of force, and explaining the often oscillating intensity of violence in war.

Chapters are as follows:
Ch 1: Introduction
Ch 2: Carl Von Clausewitz
Ch 3: Mao Zedong and Sun Tzu
Ch 4: The Way Of War
Ch 5: Nuclear Warfare
Ch 6: High Intensity Warfare
Ch 7: Low Intensity Warfare
Ch 8: Cyber Warfare
Ch 9: Conclusion
If the aim is to objectively test the conceptual framework of warfare then two of your proposed chapter headings should be revised. As synthesized by RADM J. C. Wylie in Military Strategy: A General Theory of Power Control - Chapters 2 and 3 would be better headed Sequential – Carl von .... , and Cumulative - Mao .... Sun Tzu.