Quote Originally Posted by Ridler View Post
Dayuhan, I'd be keen for any resources on the main players in Filipino politics (all stripes) in the 1930s, if you could suggest them. I've not the memoirs of Taruc, but did any member of the Lava family write a memoir or autobiography?
Most of what's written on Philippine politics of the 30s is dominated by Quezon, Osmena, and the politicking over the terms of independence. Very little attention has been paid specifically to the Communist and agrarian movements of that period. There's probably some material in political journals but a lot of it is probably a bit suspect, as many of those who write on these subjects are ideologically affiliated and inclined toward revisionism in any number of directions. Period sources would be the best bet, but finding them will be a challenge. If I were in Manila I'd start at the University of the Philippines, and ask some of the historians there for suggestions. In the US... good question. Some of the bibliographies of the standard history books might have some useful references. I'd look at mine but I just moved houses and everything is boxed up!

I would guess that somewhere in DC there are archived documents of the colonial administration, and that buried therein would be some very interesting commentary on both the emergent communist movement and the peasant unrest in Central Luzon.

Good luck, I'd be interested in seeing the output...