I can't add anything more to specific anti-sniper techniques, but I think this is a symptom of a problem rather than a problem in itself. I would suggest a combined arms approach to the enemy is needed to deal with any enemy and tactical band-aids, such as MRAPs and EW at the tactical level for the IED case-study, will just force the enemy to evolve to the next most rewarding means of killing - in this case snipers/sharpshooters. To an extent this is inevitable and even desirable, as it shows we are adapting and defeating his last tactical iteration. The alarming thing I see personally is that everyone relies on the system to solve these problems rather than having the formations innovate and evolve themselves.

If your rifle section/platoon/company is properly trained, equipped and led (as well as being enabled by policy and doctrine) to patrol effectively then the appearance of an enemy 'trend' in targeting should be dealt with by tactical innovation and evolution as dictated by the situation and campaign objectives.