Norway Attack Roundup

Entry Excerpt:

Bomb Blast, Gun Assault Terrorize Norway - VOA

Violent attacks savaged normally peaceful Norway on Friday, with an Oslo bomb blast killing at least seven people and then a gunman disguised as a police officer opening fire on a youth camp. The twin assaults occurred within hours of each other, although it was not immediately clear they were linked.

The mid-afternoon bomb blast rocked Norway's government headquarters and also set the nearby oil ministry building on fire. Hundreds of windows in the 17-story government headquarters were shattered, as were others in buildings as far as 400 meters away. Thick, black smoke billowed from some of the offices, and streets in the normally quiet neighborhood were littered with debris from the explosion. Authorities said at least seven people were killed and numerous others injured.

Hours later, police reported that a gunman disguised as a police officer opened fire on youths attending a camp sponsored by the ruling Labour Party. At least five people were wounded in the attack. Authorities said they dispatched anti-terror police to the campsite on Utoeya Island south of Oslo...

CNA, a research group that studies terrorism, said a terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami (the Helpers of the Global Jihad) claimed responsibility for the attacks. The Islamist organization said the attacks were in response to the presence of Norwegian troops in Afghanistan as part of the U.S.-led international fight against the Taliban and Islamic insurgents, as well as insults against the Prophet Mohammed...


Blasts and Gun Attack in Norway; 7 Dead - NYT
Blast Rocks Oslo; Gunman Attacks Youth Camp - WP
Deadly Attacks Shake Norway - WSJ
Oslo Bomb Blast Kills at Least 7, Injures Several - LAT
Twin Terror Attacks Shock Norway - BBC
Seven Dead in Oslo Bomb; Nine Killed at Youth Camp - TT
Blast in Oslo Government Buildings - Reuters
Oslo Police Say 9-10 People Killed at Youth Camp - AP
Nine, Perhaps 10, Killed in Norway Shooting - Reuters
Norway Police Says Believe Shooting Linked to Blast - Reuters
Norway Attack: Likely Suspected Groups - Reuters
Oslo Attack Speculation Centers on Kurdish Group - WP
Factbox: Norway Security Outlook: 'Increased Uncertainty' - Reuters
Oslo Bomb Latest Updates - BBC
Video, Map, Updates of Oslo Explosion - NYT

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