I'm constantly amazed by westerners and their inability to understand what is a very simple concept: keep out of the affairs of other nations.

Libya is neither an enemy of the United States nor is it a threat to Europe and North America.

As a Muslim, I deeply admire the ability of Americans to taking care of their children, having stable careers and zero civil disorder within your state. I wish all Muslim and Arab states have healthy trading relations and relative peace with one another. I am, however, disgusted by the constant need to interfere either in the name of "peacekeeping" or "regime-change". Call it what you will. It's breaching the sovereignty of our nations.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia... when the hell does this end? al-Qaeda attacked you on 9/11, not the entire Muslim community.

It's about time these conflicts end and peace prevails.

P.S. In case someone accuses me of being a "closet Jihadi", I equally hate it when countries tell Israel to freeze building settlements or how it should defend itself. It's their domestic policy, none of anyone's business.