In an army of incompetents, superlatives is all they have, really.

Take ISAF's ISAF Joint Command (IJC) (How messed up are you when your acronym has an acronym in it?)

Their psyop shop is called the "Information Dominance Center".

Too bad the only thing they "Dominate" is a never ending contest for incompetence, stupidity and bad ideas. They consistently get their butts handed to them, I/O wise, by a bunch of uneducated, functionally illiterates living in caves and mud huts.

Or "Warrior" this, or "Warrior" that. You do realize that if you told a real "Warrior" that his socks or PT footgear were improper and started to chew him out for it, he would cut off your head, rip out your guts and eat your liver, raw, don't you?

I've never met anyone who was truly seeking excellence who EVER self-promoted. Mostly, they were too busy working hard to get better at not sucking to crow about how friggin' "excellent" they were.