Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
JMA; don't trust translations. Some words have multiple meanings.

109. Die persönliche Einwirkung auf die Truppe durch ihren oberen Führer ist von größter Bedeutung. Er muß der kämpfenden Truppe nahe sein.

(The personal influence on the troops by their superior leader is of greatest relevance. He has to be close to the troops.)

115. Bei der Verfolgung muß sich der obere Füher weiter nach vorne begeben. Sein Escheinen in der vorderen Linie wird die Truppe zur höchsten Leistung anspornen.

(In a pursuit the superior leader has to move farther forward. His appearance in the forward line will motivate the troops to utmost efforts.)
From the book the translations are as follows:

109. The personal influence of the commander on his troops is vitally important. He must position himself close to the combat units.


115. During pursuit operations, the commander must move with the forward elements. His presence in the front will inspire his units
My point is that this is stuff a natural leader would know without being told.