The new plan sounds great

Ken, my comment on SOF tactics compared to GPF tactics is two fold. First, we do practice and implement more complicated DA/SR tactics based on the mission, the quality of our people, equipment, organization and so forth. Good news on you your son doing some CIF work over there, but as you know the combined operations are generally less complex for various reasons. I don't want to risk crossing security lines, but I think I can find some unclassified examples of SOF tactics that GPF doesn't use. I don't buy the argument that DA and SR are hyper conventional, that is a turf battle comment, not reality.

Doesn't mean GPF couldn't employ these tactics if they were trained to do so, but they don't train that way. Their tactics require more control/micromanagement. Instead they're busy doing that task, condition, standard stuff, ensuring they tie a proper square know on their pressure dressing, and disassemble their weapons IAW the steps in the manual, any other path will disqualify you even if you disassemble your weapon. We can't afford to train that stupidly in SOF. Although some of the leadership in SF over the years pushed this crap, we had to do 10 random Army Common Tasks every year as part of certification. One of the stupidiest diversions I have ever seen in our ranks.

Moving on, second is our approach to a mission, while it isn't necessary a tactic, it is the whole SF view of the world using area studies, area assessments, intelligence, leveraging locals, working indirectly as well as directly, working in small units unafraid in the middle of the badlands, etc. GPF has been doing this in a spoty manner, some units are actually good at it, while others will focus on defending their FOB to the last man. I think calling it Special Warfare is appropriate and yes GPF can conduct Special Warfare if they choose to do so, but it requires different training and a whole new mindset in their officer ranks.

I agree that the Army can fix itself in relative short order if the leaders push the change. Right now they talk a lot about the strategic corporal, but the reality is that strategic corporal generally wears LTC and COL wings. In some cases that mentality leaks into SOF ranks, but that is the exception, not the rule.

Case in point, I witnessed the same SOF unit deploy to OIF with different leaders each time. The first time they had a micro manager who was risk adverse and a lot of good SF troops had their reputations soiled by this chicken ####. The same unit deployed again under and up and coming super SF Commander and they did fantastic. Leadership is decisive period, if you want to change the culture in the Army you put the right leaders in the right places and empower them (and they in turn empower their men, and those who can't handle it are weeded out).

I remember my earlier days in the Army, the Platoon Sgts were walk on water NCOs in the infantry. They walked their talk and were constantly mentoring their troops in practical combat skills. Not sure when it broke, but it did break.