Quote Originally Posted by omarali50 View Post
As an immigrant, some random thoughts: There seems to be very little (by world standards) retail corruption and a high level of trust in daily life; If I get ticketed, I dont expect to buy off the officer, and we have left a wallet and a phone in a major mall and had if turned in to the lost and found both times, and so on. But expectation of incorruptibility in govt is rather low.... There seems to be more corruption in the county aldermen and suchlike, and then there seems to be quite a lot of higher level corruption (Congress, for example). Since it seems to have been even worse in the 19th century, one wonders if its actually compatible with long term growth? Or does it eventually filter down to the retail level and then the whole culture decays and looks more like India or Pakistan? How does a culture of basic honesty and trust get transmitted? how long can it survive? And does it even exist or is Wisconsin just an illusion? (leftists tell me that its only because most of the country is so "rich"...let them become poor and watch the trust evaporate..I am not sure I buy that either) And why is guvmint expected to be corrupt in a society that is not so corrupt in everyday life? Does that mistrust in guvmint fuel corruption or reflect a healthy aversion to corruption?
Just wondering...

Real News interview on the subject. Economic instability leas to Political Instability leads to Insurgencies....living dangerously.