The human factor. All of the programs started off well and probably did considerable good under their original steers persons. then the Second string took over. Then the third.

Many today would be barely recognizable to their originators. I think FDR would be upset with what's been done to Social Security for just one example.

The programs are good and undeniably well intentioned -- the way they are modified by some (including Congress. Especially including Congress...) for their own understanding / misunderstandings of intent and their own purposes (all too often...) -- is not so good. It's not the programs, it's the people and /or system that run them -- or fails to do so...

I think that can be corrected but it will take a massive message to the Congress to make that happen. That may or may not occur. We'll see what 2012 brings...

Thank, you, motorfirebox for the civil and intelligent discussion. Intelligent on your side anyway, Slap'll tell you I ain't none too bright, too many HAH landings...