I'd forgotten this thread.

Having immersed myself in data-mining, data collection and similar subjects I remain a critic of this approach - both in the domestic and overseas expeditionary contexts.

Sticking to the 'Small Wars' context and the strong possibility they will happen in the developing world - where will the data come from? Even allowing for the spread of mobile phones and computers there are large areas of the world which are electronic / data deserts, albeit maybe ones with a sparse population.

Jobu asked this question a few months ago in a RFI:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/...ad.php?t=13252.

Data collection is fraught with problems, so is access to such places and how much expertise exists outside?

A 'crystal ball' with very little data and insight is what we have now and for sometime to come.

If our enemies reduce their electronic exposure and do not travel widely the IT solutions so beloved of late will simply not work.