Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
That's a long time to evaluate officer candidates before sending them off to university. The U.S. way is to have the guy have his degree beforehand.
In the Imperial German Army and Reichswehr only a very small percentage (~6%) of the officers survived the selection for the Kriegsakademie and the three years there. A much broader training and educational effect was caused by the preparation for the Kriegsakademie, usually lasting more than one year.

My point is, if you do not need a degree for your job, it makes more sense to attend university at the end of your first 12 years, in a civilian branch if you want to leave, in a military branch or a civilian with clear application for your career path if you want to stay for 20 years or longer.
I have no problem with your model but oppose the current German one, which combines for my taste to many negative aspects.