Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
A 10 times higher casualty rate for generals? Have you not considered that rather than this being a virtue this may have been a serious problem?

I suggest the initial higher performance of the German Army was due to their being better prepared at the start of the hostilities. But never underestimate the yanks, they a fast learners, which they certainly did after they got a bloody nose at Kasserine Pass. and the rest is history.

Here I disagree, the difference in generals becoming KIA is a problem of very low losses on the allied side (only 30 US generals/admirals died). The readiness of the German army was in most fields low in 1939/40, it was outnumbered and outclassed in men and hardware, the only difference was leadership. A very good discussion is Frieser "Die Blitzkrieglegende", IIRC there is an English edition. When this leadership causes acceptable higher losses it is worth to consider IMHO.