
Heh. Me too. Despite holding an opposing POV myself, I have worked with plenty of Democrats, Republicans, evangelicals and atheists in my day and am fine with that part of them as long as they don’t go on about the genius of Rush Limbaugh, Paul Begala, Pat Robertson and Richard Dawkins...

Fanatics of any stripe or type are dangerous and to be watchfully ignored.
That sort of balance is a hard (impossible?) thing to try to arrive at via a one-size-fit-all policy, for sure.
Any sort of true balance is extremely difficult to attain or maintain in a nation of over 300M diverse souls scattered over ± 3.8M square miles. Though to hear the big guvmint types, if they were in charge it'd be a snap.
I’ve been in Fayetteville on a Friday night. I would say the bar for embarrassing incidents is set pretty high at this point.
Huh? What do you have against good clean fun...

As a participant in those games many years ago, BPC, when the pressure to be nice and to conform was nowhere near what it was post 1985 or so thanks to John Wickham, little that happened there ever embarrassed the Army because the national news media (a) knew at least something about the Army, (b) knew that testosterone imbalance was real but would pass and did not reflect on any institution, (c) knew that bar maids will be bar maids and most were not in or of the Army, (d) knew what was news and what was not, (e) didn't have time to waste on local stupidity. Today, things are different...

Ironically, one of ancient units that emphasised cohesion the most was the Sacred Band of Thebes.
True dat. Fortunately, that also was BPC -- and they didn't have a Congress full of persons who needed to remain in the public eye by focusing on anything that might help them do that...