Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
I suspect that the hoi polloi also suffer to a large degree from their own inattention, vacillation, and inclination to hop on the bandwagon of whatever member of the political class can toss out the moment's most superficially appealing line of twaddle. Democracy has a way of handing people the government they deserve and demand.

Wall Street, Main Street, and DeeCee all have a substantial slice of blame to carry for The Way Things Are (which is neither as dire as some would pretend nor as rosy as some others would pretend). The tendency of each to point the finger exclusively at the others is as unproductive as it is understandable.
We are indeed here today for some of the reasons you mention.

Perhaps these are some steps out of the mess we presently find ourselves in...

Starbucks’ Schultz Says 100 Leaders to Halt Campaign Giving, By Leslie Patton, August 24, 2011 3:31 PM EDT, at Bloomberg News

Rove, Burton Political Groups Are Subject of IRS Complaint, September 28, 2011, 5:25 PM EDT, at Bloomberg News

The Moment of Truth, The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, USG

What Does A 'Post-American World' Look Like?, Fareed Zakaria interviewed on US NPR, Published: June 30, 2011