It is difficult for me to avoid being vague, without a lot more knowledge. I consistently think I should avoid posting here, I am sure I have no "chair at the table", my qualifications being 4 years active duty Navy, first gulf war, with the closest I ever came to "combat" being ducking a steak thrown at me in anger at the Dubai seafarers club. Thank God for youthful reflexes, my T-shirt remained A1 free.

Anyway, to be more specific, in any instance such as what you refer to (human shields) there must either be an SOP, which could very well be "back off and go to a law enforcement approach" or it would be left up to someone's discretion to "shoot or not shoot." Not shooting results in the continued use of human shields. A law enforcement approach would make me wonder if the (I assume) combat troops are trained for that, and if it results in the desired result of dead or captured insurgents.

What I said (poorly) was that IMO US citizens and citizens of foreign nations who are actively involved in terrorism against the US or allies, or aiding and abetting terrorism, and the proof is there, should be considered valid targets, for police action if possible, and military action if necessary, wherever on the planet they may be. There can't be any "switzerland" or safe haven because they will just recruit and launch from there. As a citizen and a taxpayer, it's in my best interest to see a resolution to the "war on terror". I don't see one without someone dying. Better them than me.

Back in my lane.