Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
I just mean US deterrence in general...I point this out to people (sic) who have bought into the wild idea that the future is all about Irregular Warfare and that major state on state warfare is largely obsolete. My personal opinion is that there are a lot of unresolved issues that have been temporarily set on hold or "frozen" due to US hegemony that will become increasingly active and violent if need be. {* added / kw)

I think Central Asia, with its underdeveloped resources, and sitting between a lot of more powerful, resource hungry neighbors is a likely place for conflict. One that I agree we should stay completely out of.
...also Em-fat-i-cally, absolutely -- and Roger that.

I'd only add that * denotes a fog bank (defined as an area of apparent grayness...) with which I think we are not prepared to cope -- and I'm afraid a fog horn and full speed ahead aren't the right answers, particularly with our Radar set on the 1 mile range gate...