Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
The share of troops outside of camps was rather low for years (for a reason; there wasn't much to do outside), as with other nation's contingents, too.

There's more activity now.

I doubt that more patrolling would achieve much more; the TB would simply adapt by keeping a lower profile. It would not remove them.

I wrote it years ago and I repeat it; the correct strategy would have been to provoke a Tet offensive, a premature switch towards overt warfare in which the enemy can actually be defeated.

We should have pulled airborne troops out, rested them, minimised the other troops and once the TB begin overt warfare they'd be smashed by an airborne strategic quick reaction force.
You think the yanks would have bought that idea?

Why wait? What about a few raids into Pakistan right now... they won't be expecting that.

Or - even better - stay the #### out of this idiotic war.
Yes idiotic and more. But see it as an opportunity test your systems and exercise your troops.