Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
While we may never know the the true facts of this little operation, I do think that the US would be well served by not coming out too terribly strongly about a country that conducts an operation against a person they have deemed to be a High Value Target who just happens to be enjoying sanctuary within the borders of a sovereign third party nation at the time of the operation without the express authorization and approval of said operation by that violated 3rd party.

Never know when we will launch our next operation along those same lines; certainly the President hangs much of his hopes for re-election upon the results of the last one.

Once Pandora's box is opened, regardless of reason, all manner of problems will emerge.

(And I hate to think how we might have reacted if Pakistani security forces had acted to "thwart" our operation on bin Laden...)
Very good point.

But, and I am not trying to be stroppy, if this thing, or something like it had actually been carried out, it would be a violation of our sovereignty. Wouldn't we have to do something?

Just an aside to an aside, I don't think there was any danger at all the Pak Army was going to thwart that op. I think they knew it was coming and made damn sure they were looking the other way.