Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
What the Marine Gunners and infantry guys have essentially concluded is that the IAR gunner should move as a rifleman would.
He IS a rifleman. That weapon is almost indistinguishable from some assault rifles.

I concluded a while ago that the IAR will be introduced as SAW replacement, it will be hyped as super-successful and then it will replace the M16 in the infantry.
The whole program looks like a M16 replacement program done specifically to avoid the pitfalls of the many earlier M16 replacement programs.
This replacement program comes with its own ideology/doctrine ("automatic rifleman") and a heavy dose of BAR-nostalgia.

The current pro-IAR propaganda was predictable and prepares for the replacement of the M16 PLUS it distracts from the general incompetence of the Marines in regard to procurement requirements and program management.