Quote Originally Posted by TDB View Post


This does make an interesting point I believe. Also this is the first I've heard about Gadaffi being raped, seems a bit far fetched.
Rape of males? It happens in Africa all the time. It is used 'break' prisoners and destroy their will to resist.

I requote from that piece:

That this would happen was surely obvious to the policymakers involved. That this would happen when NATO forces commit themselves to an air war, and refuse to send ground troops that might have imposed some discipline on the rebel forces, should have been even more obvious.
This was my point on or around the time I dropped out of the Libyan discussions. Yes it was blindingly obvious to me (and probably a lot more people) but not to the current US President the Key Stone Cops cast of characters who he surrounds himself with.

The recent Libyan campaign has been an unmitigated disaster for the people of Libya. The bottom line is don't arm a rabble because an armed rabble is uncontrollable... and capable of unspeakable brutality.

The bad news is that the US electoral system is about to return a proven idiot for a second term or produce a new 'smart' guy with all the same narcissist arrogance who will screw some other country up. Amazingly most Americans can't see this.