Actually, I think damned few of the parallels are operational and tactical. All the ones that count are strategic.

1. Intergenerational struggle - check
2. Culture clash of completely and utterly incompatibles - check
3. Incoherent strategic goals of "our side" - check
4. Love them one day, murder them the next - check
5. Out of control "loose cannons" in the enemy camp who generate overresponse by "our side" - check.
6. Implacability of the conflict - check.
7. Inequity of the concept of "humane treatment" - check.
8. An enemy divided within itself - check.
9. Inevitability of one side destroying the other regardless of what batch of "neato, nifty good ideas" are generated by the "egg-heads" - we'll see.

Where the conflicts differ, here, is that Islam is not restricted to race - also, American Indian populations were not self-sustaining and self-replacing, whereas the Islamic parts of the world are growing.

I have an airplane historian friend who can argue for days that a J-3B Cub is a "completely different airplane" from a J-3C Cub. This is a similar argument from my point of view.