Tequila - Zakat/alms is a personal responsibility, a Quranic obligation as you know and income tax would create double-dipping out of the individual's pocket, since in Democracy, the state assumes varying degrees of responsibility for orphans, the infirm, cripples, etc. From a mere economic perspective, the more booty/plunder that can be obtained, the more can be given via Zakat - an economic consideration in the expansion of the Ummah.

Western women have had the right to be President/PM for quite some time and it pretty much coincides with industrialization. The Islamic world hasn't yet resolved the issues of honor killing and clitorectomy for example, even in areas that are semi industrialized. In the epitome of industrialization in the Islamic world, Saudi Arabia, women can't even drive cars. Rigid paternalism is sanctioned in Al Qu'ran, there is no way around that. The prescription for divorce, punishment for adultery, property division, the authorization for multiple wives etc are fully paternal.

Regarding the Indian wars, genocide, resource depletion, reconciliation, placation and aculturation were all employed in varying mixes in the 260+ years of conflict. There was no one set prime directive. Tactically, the most successful forces were the mountain men/free trappers who adopted Indian ways and some of their spirituality. How else could small parties of 'infidels' move so freely and successfully so deep in Indian country? More and more, COIN/CAPS it seems is the only way to go in Iraq.