The erstwhile motto of the flawed Desert One Raid that was Operation Eagle Claw has bearing and merit. Some raids will not be total successes; most will be of some benefit unless total disasters. Even Dieppe doesn't fall to that level...

Why not?
True and good catch, The repressed Brigand in me came out instead of the military planner.

There are indeed things other than plunder that need taking ...

Intel will never be perfect, and if there are gaps, the planners just need to refer to the bullet above and try to get it in the box as much as possible...

-If the intel appears to be good to the planners at the time, there is no reason to do more than formulate the plan, apply the resources, and execute.
Amen to that! The search for metrics and perfection is IMO simply refined risk avoidance. We can do better.
...Pretty good guts to try if you ask me. The intel wasn't eve good, if you as me, but he trusted his subordinates to execute violently and with precision, and sent them on their way.

All he did was monitor the radio from his CP to be ready to offer other resources to the force going in...
Good man that.
Imagine that...
I can, seen a few of those -- and I thank the Gods and Stars that there are more like him out there, more than the alter egos...

Those are the folks that keep me sane...